Hi there! I have been away for more than a year and glad I'm back. I've been busy on my other projects that I wasn't able to make a new post on this blog for a long time. Add to that, I am also in the process of completing a software which I call DontGetPreggy calculator that I am planning to incorporate on this blog. You see, this software application I am constructing will have an ease of use for those who are observing family planning or those who just want to avoid complications of having an unwanted pregnancy.
Well, actually the program is already done but still having problem on making an .exe set up file so that the application will be able to run on any pc. I still don't know at this time if the software application could be uploaded here but hopefully it can be done once I completed this project. Anyway, the application is in Visual Basic Form and I'm having a hard time on this last and final step that I always end up getting an error message. Hopefully, on the following day I'll be able to hit the right codes and get it done.
I also made some design changes on the DontGetPreggy Guide but it is still the same as the previous one, only it has a new background and some color changes to make it more appealing for readers of the new generations. The picture above shows how it looks now and with a different caption but similar in meaning.
In the past few days, I was also contemplating to change this blog and make it in a local language but I finally decided to leave it as it is. By now, I'll again try to fix that software application and pray that I would be able to show it finally on my next post.
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